Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In A Pig's Eye

This morning, we explored Kherson's vast open market and open shops. It is very old school, but quite impressive. Outside are hundreds of little cubbie holes where vendor's sell everything imagineable.
We bought some nice toys for the kids at the orphanage and I bought a souvenir for my Mom. After getting lost in the maze of outdoor shops, we entered the "MEAT MARKET"! Inside, was a view like that from the 1930's in New York. Ok, I am not a New Yorker but I have to think this comes close. Almost every type of meat imagineable was for sale. Yes, that included horse meat.
The meat was not pre-packaged and weighed like you normally see in Kroger. No, here, every part of the animal was for sale. Including this little swine
When the counter lady asked me something in Ukraine, I told her I liked bacon, but even I had my limits. The "pig hoof in a cone" was pretty good though.
(Lenin Paragraph break) After school let out at 2:30, we went to the orphanage and played with the kids. We are the only Americans at the orphanage now. As soon as we enter the play area, Suzanne comes running up to us to give us hugs.
Judi went with Suzzana to play with some other girls while I tried to fend off about 15 gum starved kids. Please notice Judi's red flower sandals which she purchased at the market. I offered to cut them off, but she refused.
All the kids want is gum. "Jeake!! Jeake!!! Gum! Gum! Gum!" I try to limit each kid to one piece each, but some will return, holding out their hand and saying: "Sister! Sister! or "Brother Brother!" and point off in some distant direction. When I tell them to go get their sister or brother, they smile, shrug their shoulders and run off. They are pretty smart little buggers. Vova and I played some foootball today for about 45 minutes.
As you can see, Vova is wearing his CS Hoops shirt that he got last summer. Shout out again to Billy! We think Vova is his caretaker's favorite. When play time ended today, she snuck us up to a room near his group room and let Vova play games on the computer with us, rather than study. Both of the caretakers for Vova's group are awesome. I will get a photo of both with Vova after the Director signs our papers, which, unfortunately, he did not do today. We are praying he signs tomorrow or Friday at the latest, or we will will run into the holidays next week. Keep those prayers coming. Jake and Judi

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow the market sounds cool! Did your new friends take you there? I told Todd you slready had our replacement lined up!

    Isn't it nice to know Vova is so loved there? He really does have great caretakers. I never really met Anya's, except for Lilia who is really a teacher and fills in on weekends as caretaker.

    And Suzanna, wow, she is a heartbreaker isn't she. We must find that girl a family!

    PS, I'm home and loving my bed and clean soft sheets. Who knew sheets could be such a luxury?!
