Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fundraiser was a Huge Success!!!!

Well, the fundraiser went off without a hitch Friday night. More than 150 people attended. Judi and I were overwhelmed by all the love and support our friends showed. Thank you so much to all of you who contributed to the orphan fund to help us bring Vova to the U.S. It was so great to see everyone. Many I have not seen since I was mobilized to Ft. Bragg last January.

We are making the final corrections to our packet and it should be ready to be submitted soon. Yeah!!!!!!!!! Judi has done such a great job getting everything together. That girl is a mover and shaker!

It will be tough to not have Christmas without Vova but we will enjoy it with our 4 great kids. Once February rolls around, we should be ready to go. Ah, the Ukraine in the dad of winter. What to do in our diown time? Not much.